For the letter itself, I'd like a split screen content area, where each side could scroll independently. The scan of the letter (image files, usually multiple images, which I would like arranged vertically) will be on the left. The left side should have the ability to zoom in as far as the individual words/letters (for paleographical analysis). The right side will be the transcription. The right side will need the ability to add textual notes (either end-notes, hover-over notes, or some other method). I would also like the ability to place a form/email contact content area in the "transcription" column, inviting people to submit corrections of transcribed letters and/or transcriptions of un-transcribed letters.
[Hand-written Header] Paris: April 8th 1862 Dear Ad-- I wrote you some weeks ago in reply to yours from Port Royal; you told me to address you as on the staff of [UNSURE: “Genl”?] Sherman (or else I was angry when I read it)-- but I now perceive you are with Hunter; the letter will [UNSURE: “doubtly”?] not reach you—so I’ll bother you with another (that’s [UNSURE] Irish, isn’t it?) You have been distinguishing yourself, and I’m heartily glad of it--[UNSURE of three words here] in the same style; can you under- stand so much slang? “Now art thou my lieutenant” |